Here is where you can find the Soundtrap team in 2022!
December 10, 2021We have all been planning and preparing for these events to come, we are happy to share where you can find the Soundtrap team in 2022. Various conferences have returned to in-person live events and the Soundtrap team is excited to finally meet and connect in person again, we can’t wait to see you!
Be sure to sign up and register for any and all events near you, virtually or in-person. We would love to chat with you at our booth or during our sessions about how you have been working creatively with music and podcasts in your classroom. Our mission is to make music and storytelling simple and collaborative for everyone and we can’t do that without hearing from you.
Soundtrap For Education will participate in the following events in 2022:
Breakdown of the Soundtrap Team in 2022
January 2022
Name of event: FMEA
Location: Tampa, Florida.
Date: January 12-15
Booth: #4031
Name of event: FETC
Location: Orlando, Florida.
Date:January 25-28
Booth: #3840
February 2022
Name of event: TCEA
Location: Dallas, Texas
Date: February 7-10
Booth #2033
Name of event: TMEA
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Date: February 9-12 February
Booth # 2669
March 2022
Name of event: CUE
Location: Palm Springs, California
Date March 17-19
Booth # 419
Name of event BETT
Location: London, UK
Date: March 23-26
Booth # NB31
And remember, if you can’t make it to one of our live events you can find all our weekly free online events here. Come learn with us!