Arts Education is Essential
July 2, 2020Soundtrap for Education is proud to join 95 other national organizations, including National Association for Music Education, Save The Music Foundation, National Education Association, and many more, to support arts education as essential for students during COVID-19.
In this statement, “Arts Education Is Essential,” the signing organizations convey that the arts have already played a pivotal and uplifting role during the health crisis, and that arts education can help all students, including those who are in traditionally underrepresented groups, as students return to school next year.
“Arts Education Is Essential” speaks to arts education’s role in supporting the social and emotional well-being of students, an area that administrators, educators, and parents have highlighted as essential to student safety and success during the pandemic and as students return to school, whether in-person, online, or in a blended fashion, this fall.
Three guiding principles are spelled out in “Arts Education Is Essential”:
“Arts education supports the social and emotional well-being of students, whether through distance learning or in person.”
“Arts education nurtures the creation of a welcoming school environment where students can express themselves in a safe and positive way.”
“Arts education is part of a well-rounded education for all students as understood and supported by federal and state policymakers.”
Soundtrap for Education is proud to join 95 (and counting) other national organizations in support of arts education:
Afterschool Alliance | League of American Orchestras | MFR Holdings, LLC | WURRLYedu |
American Choral Directors Association | Little Kids Rock | Music Teachers National Association | Yamaha Corporation of America |
American Composers Forum | Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation | NAMM Foundation | Young Audiences Arts for Learning |
American Orff-Schulwerk Association | Music for All | National Art Education Association | YOUnison |
Americans for the Arts | Alfred Music | National Association for Music Education | Music and the Brain |
American String Teachers Association | American Bandmasters Association | National Association of Elementary School | Music Together |
Barbershop Harmony Society | American Dance Therapy Association | Principals | MusicFirst |
Carnegie Hall | American Music Therapy Association | National Association of Secondary School | National Dance Society |
Casio America, Inc. | American School Band Directors Association | Principals | National Music Council |
Chorus America | Arts Schools Network | National Coalition for Core Arts | Nuvo Instrumental, LLC |
CMA Foundation | ASCAP Foundation | National Dance Education Organization | Peripole, Inc. |
College Band Directors National Association | Breezin’ Thru, Inc. | National Education Association | Progressive Music |
Conn-Selmer, Inc. | DeMoulin Bros. & Co | National Federation of State High | Retail Print Music Dealers Association |
D’Addario Foundation | Educational Tours, Inc. | Associations | Schmitt Music |
Eastman Music Company | El Sistema | National YoungArts Foundation | Soundtrap for Education |
Education Through Music | Excellia Music Publishing | Organization of American Kodály Educators | Strathmore |
Educational Theatre Association | GIA Publications | Quadrant Research | Sweet Adelines International |
Give a Note Foundation | GRAMMY Music Education Coalition | QuaverEd | Sweetwater Sound |
Hal Leonard | Halftime Magazine | Recording Academy | Tau Beta Sigma |
Historically Black Colleges and Universities | Harmony Helper | Save The Music Foundation | Teaching Artist Guild |
National Band Directors’ Consortium | Kappa Kappa Psi | State Education Agency Directors of | Ted Brown Music |
Jazz at Lincoln Center | KRUTZ, Inc. | Education | The American Alliance for Theatre & Education |
Jazz Education Network | Macie Publishing Company | The Rock and Roll Forever | The mPowered Music Educator Academy |
KHS America | MajoringinMusic.com | United Sound, Inc. | The Society for Online Music Education |
KORG, USA | MakeMusic | Varsity Performing Arts | TI:ME- Technology in Music Education |
Manhattan Concert Productions | West Music Company | WGI Sport of the Arts |