Students are enamored with music. They follow their favorite songwriters’ every move on social media. Bringing elements of songwriting into your class can make connections. Hear how these songwriters connect their craft to the classroom.

11 years ago Rowena Atkins launched Song Academy, with the mission of helping every child find their voice. Song Academy is a unique creative outlet for young people to express themselves and be heard through writing their own original songs. The Song Academy Young Songwriter competition is the leading competition for aspiring young songwriters. Judges include Tom Odell, Chris Difford, Imelda May, Miranda Cooper & Harley Sulé. Other songwriting programmes include songwriting clubs, holiday workshops and tailored school workshops.
Twitter: @songacademyUK
Instagram: @song_academy
YouTube: Song Academy UK

Scarlet, a songwriting leader at Song Academy, is a professional musician, songwriter and actor. Scarlet graduated from The BRIT School of Performing Arts and now performs as a musician across the country. She had showcases in L.A and writing sessions on the famous Music Row in Nashville. She has also just signed with management and is gearing up to release a whole new range of material.
Instagram: @hedaramusic
Twitter: @hedaramusic
Instagram: @song_academy
YouTube: Song Academy UK

Wayne Watts is the Co-Founder of The Dream Create Inspire Tour. With over 10 years of experience working with youth, he is committed to empowering young creatives by providing them with transferable skills in order to be successful in the ever-changing world of entertainment. As an arts and education advocate, he helped launch a 8 city social connections tour. Wayne specializes in establishing growth partnerships and developing music-based programing tailored for creatives.
Instagram: @DreamCreateInspireTour
Facebook: Dream Create Inspire Tour