Community brings us together. It helps us feel like we’re part of something bigger than ourselves. In schools, our ability to create inclusive, welcoming communities can shape a child’s future. In this video, Jarritt Sheel of Berklee College of Music shares the importance of those communities and how we can shape them.
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Jarritt Sheel is an assistant professor of music education at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. He is also a doctoral candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University in the Music and Music Education Department. As a professional musician, he has toured internationally, worked with hundreds of students in high school band programs throughout the great states of Illinois, Florida and New York. He has been fortunate to have taught music courses at the Aspen Award winning Valencia College, New York University (NYU), and has taught collegiate level courses, based on Critical Theory, Art History, and Democracy, in the CUNY system. He is a past Ensemble Director for the Youth Workshop Band in the Youth Programs as part of the Education department at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City. He has recently accepted a faculty position at the Berklee College of Music in music education. His research foci center around the hip-hop movement (music, culture, and pedagogies) in music Education and teacher training. He is passionate advocate for arts education, a member of The National Association for Music Education’s (NAFME) Massachusetts chapter MMEA’s – Council for Research and Teacher Education, and on the editorial board of the MMEA’s journal. He is a co-founder of the music resource website, and leader of a social media dialogue around #hiphopmusiced. He is proud to be a son, husband, and father, and when he is not working enjoys time with family and friends.
Twitter: @jsheelmusic
IG: @jsheel